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243. Ordered, that when this House adjourn it adjourn until two o'clock this afternoon.

And the House adjourned.


Met according to adjournment

Bill - providing for the choice of Representatives to Congress, was read and referred to a select Committee of this House consisting of Messrs. McCrate of Nobleborough, Pierce of Portland and Clark of Hallowell.

Resolve - for the benefit of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary was taken up and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a further consideration.

Bill - in addition to an Act to prevent the introduction of Paupers from foreign ports or places - was read a third time and ordered to lie on the table.

Bill - to set off a part of the town of Hallowell and annex the same to the town of Gardiner - was read a third time, the amendment of the Senate adopted and passed to be engrossed - sent up.

Bill - providing for the choice of Representatives to Congress reported by the select committee of this House as taken into a new draft, was read once and Friday next at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Bill - regulating Elections - - additional to establish a Court of Common Pleas - - to repeal the second section of An Act entitled an Act