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248. Webb with such as the House may join for concurrence - and the House concurred and joined the members of the joint Standing Committee on the Militia, with the addition of Messrs. Chadwick of Gardiner, Chase of Calais, True of Palermo, Moore of Durham and Pray of Lebanon - sent up.

Petition - of David Mosher praying that John Pitts as Administrator may execute a deed to him came from the Senate for concurrence referred to the Committee on the Judiciary - and the House concurred - sent up.

The House reconsider their vote of yesterday whereby they passed to be engrossed a Bill to prevent the obstruction of Ferries, amend the same as on sheets annexed marked A and B and pass it to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up for concurrence.

Resolve - to increase the compensation of Register of Probate for the County of Penobscot - was read a second time and a passage refused - sent up for concurrence.

Resolve relative to the duties of the Reporter of Decisions was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.

Resolve - relative to the right of Elkanah Spear to hold his seat in this House - was read and passed.

Resolve - for locating and making a road over lands belonging to the State, connecting the Baring and Houlton Road with the United States Military Road, was taken up and ordered to be recommitted with instructions so to modify the Resolve as to provide for a survey of the proposed road, and an estimate of the expense of making the same - also to provide for an appropriation to carry into effect the objects of the Resolve - sent up for concurrence.