250 Mr. Dane of Kennebunk and Mr. Cary of Houlton have leave of absence after Monday next during the remainder of the Session.
Petition - of the Directors of the Sugar Island Side Boom Corporation, for an alteration of their Charter - was read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr Frost of Standish - Ordered that Messrs. Frost of Standish, Mitchel of Temple and Morton of Augusta be a Committee with such as the Senate may join, to contract with some suitable person to take charge of the Public Buildings and other property belonging to the State at Augusta during the recess of the Legislature - Read and passed sent up for concurrence.
Mr Roberts of Lyman has leave of absence after Friday next and Mr Chase of Calais after Monday next during the remainder of the Session.
Bill - additional to prevent the introduction of paupers from foreign ports and places was read a third time and recommitted to a select Committee consisting of Messrs. Wilkins of Bangor, Chase of Milton and Mowry of Lubec.
Resolve - for the benefit of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary was taken up and recommitted - sent up for concurrence.
Report - on Petition of Joseph Huse and others - the Committee asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, was read and accepted - sent up for concurrence.