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256. Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed - Bill - relating to Lottery Grants - - to incorporate the South west Bend Stage Company - - to incorporate the Proprietors of Kendall's Mill Bridge - - to authorize the building of a Road and Bridge over Tide waters in Harpswell - were severally passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee reported as duly engrossed - Resolve - authorizing a loan in behalf of the state - which was finally passed - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly engrossed - Bill - for the relief of John Wood - which was passed to be enacted - sent up.

The House resumed the consideration of the Bill providing for the choice of Representatives to Congress - when Mr Campbell of Argyle called for the previous question question, which being sustained - the question "shall the main question be now put" was taken and decided in the affirmative - The Bill the passed to be engrossed in the New Draft - and the question upon passing the same was taken by Yeas and Nays and decided in the affirmative - Yeas 84. Nays 74. - (See Appendix page )

Report on Petition of John Butterfield and others - came from the Senate for concurrence - they having receded from their vote whereby they accepted the Report, and recommit the Report - and the House recede from their vote accepting the same and recommit the same in concurrence - sent up.