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315 Steam Navigation and for other purposes, came from the Senate, they having reconsidered their vote, whereby they passed the same to be Engrossed as amended - further amend the same and pass the Resolve to be reengrossed as this further amended. And the House reconsider their vote, whereby they passed the Resolve to be Engrossed, as amended in concurrence with the Senate. Adopt the further Amendment of the Senate and still further amend the same as on Sheet annexed, and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence. Sent up

Report - on so much of the Governors Message as relates to State Roads - also a Statement of the several appropriations and expenditures on State Roads - came from the Senate, the committee asking to be discharged from a further consideration of the Same, came from the Senate, accepted for concurrence and the House concurred. Sent up.

Resolve in favor of Benjamin R Lake - was read once and referred to the next Legislature - sent up for concurrence.

Communication from the Secretary of State, relating to Township No 6. 9th Range, North of the Monument - read and endured to lie on the Table.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly Engrossed Bill - additional to an act to provide for the Education of Youth - to incorporate the Town of Lexington. - to incorporate the Gardiner Savings Institution. - additional, regulating Elections - to empower the Town of Augusta to raise money for certain purposes - making certain Interests in real Estates liable for the Payment of Debts. - additional to an Act granting a Lottery to encourage Steam navigation in this State and for other purposes which were finally passed to be enacted - sent up