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Bill to incorporate the town of Beddington, " to incorporate the State Bank. Severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. On motion of Mr Cobb. Ordered that on Tuesday next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, the Senate will on their part proceed to the choice of a Major General for the fourth Division and also a Major General for the seventh Division of the Militia of this State.

Mr Talbot from the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals reported leave to withdraw on the petition of the Inhabitants of the towns of Sullivan, Hancock and Cherryfield. Read and accepted, sent down for concurrence.

The Committee on engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Kenduskeag Bank at Bangor and the same was passed to be enacted

Resolve for the benefit of George Brooks " for the benefit of James Barstow

Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Commercial Bank, were severally read once and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading. The petition of Jacob Abbot & others praying for the establishment of an Academy in the town of Weld. Read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions. Sent down for concurrence. Bill additional respecting qualification of voters in town affairs. Read a second time and laid on the table Attest Timo. J Carter Secretary