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Friday February 1. 1833.

Order from the House appointing Messrs. Magoun of Bath McCrate of Nobleborough & Smith of Westbrook a Committee with such as the Senate may join, to ascertain what public business is necessary to be acted upon at the present session, and when the Legislature may have a recess. Read and passed in concurrence and Messrs Boutelle and Webb were joined.

The petition of Moses Hanscom and others praying for pecuniary aid for such person as shall take the Post Office at the Highlands on the Canada Road, came from the House referred to Messrs. Spring, Frost and Weeks with such as the Senate may join. Read and referred in concurrence and Messrs. Scammon and Pease were joined.

The petition of James C. Hill for an alteration in the law regulating Licenses, came from the House referred to Messrs. Gross, Shaw Pierce of Gorham, Campbell and Morton, with such as the Senate may join. Read and referred in concurrence, and Messrs. Bradbury and McLellan were joined.

The petition of sundry Inhabitants of the County of Washington for half shire town at Calais and sundry other papers. Read and referred to the joint Select Committee on Division and alteration of Counties in concurrence.

The petition of sundry Inhabitants of the town of Calais for a mutual Fire Insurance Company. Read and referred to the joint