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Staples of Swanville, Weeks of Parsonsfield Easterbrook of Camden Frost of Standish Cushman of Bridgton Sprowle of Waldoboro Walker of Lovell Spring of Hiram Gilmore of Newburgh Huse of Wilton were added. Read once and recommitted in concurrence.

Resolve additional for completing the Baring and Houlton Road, was taken up; the Senate reconsider the vote whereby they adopted the amendment as on sheet annexed adopt the amendment as on sheet annexed marked A, and pass the same to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.

The Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred a Bill additional for the prevention of damage by fire, and the safe keeping of gunpowder; reported reference to the next Legislature; and that the same be printed. Read and accepted, and said Bill was referred, and ordered to be printed in the State paper, in accordance with the recommendation of said Committee. Sent down for concurrence.

The same Committee to whom was committed a Resolve, fixing the compensation of the Agents on certain Roads; reported the same without amendment; which Bill was read a second time, and passage refused. Sent down for concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Abijah Smith, was taken from the table and passage refused. Sent down for concurrence.