Herrick Smith Talbot 6 Nays Messrs Boutelle Cogswell Drummond Hunton Howard Knowlton McLellan Pease Randall Read Scammon Warren Webb Williamson 14 and the same was passed to be engrossed as amended in concurrence.
On motion of Mr Cogswell. Ordered that Messrs Cogswell Herrick and Knowlton be a Committee with such as the House may join to take into consideration the account presented by Hon. Wm. P. Preble for his expences while Agent for the State under the Resolve passed January 19. 1832. Read and passed. Sent down for concurrence Concurred, and Messrs Jewett Magoun and Fish joined.
Bill to incorporate the Kenduskeag Turnpike Company, came from the House, the House insisting on their vote passing said Bill to be engrossed, propose a Conference, and appoint Messrs Piper Campbell of Argyle and McCrate Conferees. The Senate nonconcur the House, refuse a Conference and adhere to their vote referring the same to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve relative to a Lottery heretofore granted to encourage Steam Navigation in this State, was read twice, amended as on sheet annexed marked A, and passed to be engrossed as so amended. Sent down for concurrence.