States Military Road. Read twice and passed to be engrossed as amended in concurrence.
Resolve relating to the Militia; read once and indefinitely postponed in concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Theodore Bean; read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
Resolve for locating and making a road over Lands belonging to the State connecting the Baring and Houlton Road with the United States Military Road, came from the House passage refused. The Senate recede from all former votes on the subject, so far as to refuse the same a passage in concurrence.
On motion of Mr Cobb, Ordered that the messenger of the Senate be directed after the Senate shall have adjourned, to take suitable came of the various articles belonging to the Senate Chamber, and see them properly secured.
The order from the House appointing a Committee to contract with a person to take change of the Public Buildings, of February 21. was indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.
A message came from the House informing the Senate, that when the House next adjourn they will adjourn to meet a [at] half past six o'clock Monday morning next; and on motion of Mr Williamson, the Senate concurred in the above time of adjournment, of which the House was informed by message.