I attempt to express the full measure of obligation and gratitude which I feel myself under to you individually and collectively, not only for the unanimous, and flattering commendation just bestowed but also for the uniformly kind, respectful, and encouraging disposition with which you have aided and sustained me in all the duties and responsibilities of the station I have had the honor to occupy at this board. I entered upon those duties and responsibilities without the experience essential to correctness and despatch in the business of legislation. That I have erred in some instances is not impossible; but I trust my errors will be found on the side of respectful indulgence and liberality. If on the other hand, I have succeeded in any degree in my endeavors to serve you and the public; if those endeavors reflect any credit upon either your proceedings or myself, I am sensible that your constant co-operation in the accomplishment of this result, furnish an example alike worthy the approbation of a generous public and of my individual gratitude. Gentlemen, I congratulate you on the harmony, may I not say unprecedented harmony and expedition, with which the public business devolved on you, has been transacted. While the former evinces the patriotic spirit in which you entered upon your respective duties, the latter bespeaks the industry and fidelity with which those duties have been prosecuted,