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X Eighteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars, and the receipt for manufactures sold from the prison amount to about Eighteen Thousand Dollars. The Stock on hand at the close of the present year exceeds that of last year by more than Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, which leaves a balance of about One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars in favor of the institution. The number of convicts in the prison for the last three years are found not to increase, and are five less at the present time than they were at the same time last year. There has been one death during the past year, and an unusual degree of health has prevailed. Much attention is paid to the moral and religious instruction of the convicts, and the interest which most of them seem to take in the Sunday School, and in the improvement which many of them have made, is highly commendable. Events are continually occurring in our Country, which demonstrate the indispensible [indispensable] importance of a well organized and efficient Militia. As this subject is now under the consideration of Congress for the improvement of the general system, it will not perhaps be advisable to make essenalterations [essential alterations?] in our Militia laws during the present session. It is regretted that in numerous instances no returns of the state of the Militia have been made during the past year. As the arms received from the United States, are in proportion to the number of Militia in the State, and on many other accounts, it is important that these returns should be annually made by the Staff officers, as required by law, and that no pay should be allowed them when this duty has not been faithfully performed. By the last returns, some having been made years since, it appears that the Militia of the State amounts to Forty Thousand and six men not