[Referred to Committee on Literature &c.] Order, requiring Superintending School Committees to take oath previous to entering on the duties of their office 97 " relative to collecting information annually respecting schools 104 " expediency of embodying all acts regulating town schools into one act &c 112. 177 " to require Literary Institutions requesting aid from the State, a Statement of their funds 146
[Committee on Manufactures] " expediency of regulating the size of Barrels & Casks 119. 257 " relative to frauds in the sale of Oils 180
[Committee on Militia] " relative to officers and soldiers passing toll Bridges free of toll, when on duty 56 " for prohibiting Companies &c from marching &c near where a Court is holden 62 " expediency of repealing 2d Section of An Act entitled "An Additional Act to organize &c the Militia" 64 " expediency of embodying into one Act all laws relating to the Militia 68 " prescribing the manner in which non-commissioned Officers shall receive their warrants 119 " for removing Gun House in Hallowell 126 " expediency of repealing 9th Sect. of the Act of Mar. 9. 1832. 140
[Committee on Military Pensions] " expediency of repealing a Resolve granting Pension to Herbert Savage 113 " " of granting pension to Alvin Pike 166
[Committee on State Lands] " relative to selling the reserved Lots in the B. Purchase 57 " relative to conveying lot of land in Township No 8 - 2d Range upon certain conditions 86