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A message from the House informing the Senate that the House had reconsidered their vote whereby they assigned this day for the second reading of a Bill to incorporate the East Machias and Machias Port Bridge Company, and also their vote giving said Bill a first reading and return said Bill and accompanying papers to the Senate in concurrence. Which Bill and accompanying papers, on motion of Mr. Bridgham, were recommitted. Sent down for concurrence.

The Joint Select Committee to which was referred Bill prescribing the mode of making and repairing highways, reported that further legislation on that subject is inexpedient, which report came up from the House; read and on motion of Mr. Smith committed to a Joint Special Committee consisting on the part of the Senate of Messrs. Smith and Chandler, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred and Messrs. Morrill of Belgrade, Moore of Dover, O'Brien, Hutchins, Perkins, Spaulding, Thayer and Pierce of Portland are joined.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Resolve providing for the purchase & distribution of Greenleafs Reports, which Resolve on motion of Mr. Groton was laid upon the table.

Resolve respecting the building of a Jail in the County of York, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Brunswick Company, reported by the Committee on Manufactures, to which was referred the petition of Isaac Lincoln and others, Bill to incorporate the Harpswell Soap Stone Company, reported by Mr. Smith from the same Committee