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Friday, February, 7, 1834.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Bill to incorporate the Cumberland Marine Railway Company, Bill to incorporate the Georges Insurance Company, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Calais Bank and the number of its Directors, Bill to repeal an act respecting the anchoring of Vessels near the Mananas and Monhegan Islands, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Union Bank, Bill additional to establish the Damariscotta Canal, Bill to authorize certain persons to build a bridge across Kenduskeag Stream in the town of Bangor in the County of Penobscot, Bill to incorporate the town of Cambridge Bill to incorporate the City of Bangor, Bill to incorporate the town of Barnard, and the same were severally passed to be enacted

The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed, Resolve for the relief of Timothy Hall Jr. Resolve providing for the printing and distribution of blank returns of votes, Resolve for the erection of a Gunhouse in the town of Belfast, Resolve respecting the building of a Jail in the County of York, and the same were severally finally passed