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Petition of Samuel Weston and others for a Dam across the Kennebec River at Augusta was read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration. Sent down for concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Chesuncook Company was read a second time and amended. Mr. Bradbury moved further to amend by striking out, in the fifth section the words, "Ten cents for every thousand feet of logs and lumber" and insert in lieu thereof, "Two cents for every Log, Mast, Spar or other timber." Mr. Farnsworth moved to amend the proposed amendment by inserting "Three," instead of "Two," and the question of thus amending being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows, Yeas, Messrs. Allen, Brown, Cobb, Emmons, Farnham Farnsworth, Frye, Knowlton, Labaree, Manning, Pease, Prescott, Rogers, Smith and Williamson - 15 Nays, Messrs. Bradbury, Chandler, Groton, Howard, Kelsey, Pierce and Tobin - 7 On motion of Mr. Brown the Senate reconsider their vote adopting said amendment, and amend by inserting "Two and a half cents for every log, mast, spar or other timber", and the question of passing said Bill to be engrossed as thus amended, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows, to wit. Yeas. Messrs. Allen, Brown, Farnsworth, Frye, Knowlton, Labaree, Manning, Pease, Pierce, Prescott, Rogers, Tobin and Williamson - 13. Nays, Messrs. Bradbury, Chandler, Emmons, Farnham, Groton, Howard and Kelsey - 7. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as correctly engrossed,