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The Senate reconsider their vote of yesterday ordering three hundred copies of Bill to incorporate the "Belfast Fishing Company" to be printed. Said bill was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Frontier Bank, reported by Mr. Rogers from the Committee on Banks & Banking on petition of Samuel Wheeler and others was read twice and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.

Mr. Pease from the Committee on Division of reported leave to withdraw on petition of John W. Gookin and others, and reference to next Legislature on petition of Henry Dodge and others; and notice to next Legislature on petition of Moses E. Wescott and others; severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Agreeably to assignment, the Senate proceeded to the choice of Major General for the Seventh Division of the Militia of this State; and Messrs. Frye, Bridgham and Chandler, were appointed to a Committee to receive, sort, and count the votes, who, having attended the duties assigned them, reported that the whole number of votes is 19 Necessary to constitute an election 10 Ezekiel Foster has 13 Matthew Hastings " 6 and there were two blanks. Ezekiel Foster was declared elected, in concurrence with the House, of which the House were informed by message.

Bill to authorize the Penobscot Mill Dam Company to erect side Booms. Bill in addition to an act to incorporate the