Bill additional to an Act for the abolition of imprisonment of honest Debtors for debt was taken up, and recommitted with instructions to report a Bill repealing the former laws. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill additional providing for the appointment of Clerks of the Courts in the several Counties and requiring them to render an account of all moneys received, came up passed to be engrossed. The Senate nonconcur the House in passing said Bill to be engrossed, and insist on their vote indefinitely postponing the same. Sent down for concurrence.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Bill altering the time of holding the Court of Common Pleas in Penobscot County, " relative to principal Factors and Agents, " to repeal an "Act to incorporate the Odom's Ledge Fishing Company" - approved February 1, 1834, " to repeal an Act to encourage the destruction of Crows, approved March 6, 1830. Also an Act entitled an Act to encourage the destruction of Bears, Wolves, Wildcats and Loupcerviers, approved February 11th, 1832, " authorizing the town of Fryeburg to purchase the Bridge over the Saco River in said town, " to set off Cornelius Thompson & lands from Bowdoin and annex them to Lisbon, " to change the names of certain persons, and the same were severally passed to be enacted.