Johnson Jaques Bowdoin Samuel Kenneday Patricktown Plantation John Lermond Union Jacob Ludwig Waldoboro William Lunt Bowdoinham George McIntire Cushing John D McCrate Nobleboro' John Mclean Alna. Benjamin Reed Boothbay. David Scribner Topsham Elkanah Spear Thomaston Thomas H Smalley St George. Paul C Tibbets Lisbon Sylvanus Waterman Litchfield Joseph Weeks Jr, Jefferson John White Georgetown.
County of Hancock[underlined]. Rufus Buck Orland John Bunker Cranberry Isle. Stevens Gould Franklin Charles Jarvis Ellsworth Moody Pillsbury Bucksport Eliphalet Pettengill 2d Hancock Jacob S Thomas Eden. George Vose Castine Richard Warren Deer Isle. David Wasson Brooksville.
County of Washington[underlined] James B Doyle Hodgdon Seth Emerson Calais Stephen C Foster Pembroke Winslow Gallison Harrington. John[underlined] A Lowell East Machias Jabez Mowry Lubec Lorenzo Sabine Eastport. Samuel Small Machias Port Matthias Vickery Baring