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A message was received from the Senate proposing a convention forthwith in the Representatives Chamber for the purpose of administering to the Governor elect, the oaths of office, and the House concurred and the Clerk acquainted the Senate therewith.

The Senators came in and seats were assigned them, and a Convention formed for the purpose of administering the oaths of office to the Governor elect.

In Convention. On motion of Mr Prescott of the Senate, Ordered, That a message be sent to the Governor to inform him that the two Houses are now assembled for the purpose of administering to him the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon the discharge of his official duties & invite his attendance forthwith.

Mr Prescott was charged with the message and having executed it, notified the Convention that the Governor would attend forthwith.

Accordingly, the Governor attended by the council, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Adjutant General & Land Agent, proceeded by the Sheriff of Kennebec, came in and before the President of the Senate & in presence of the two Houses took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon his official duties and the Secretary of State thereupon made proclamation thereof, when the Governor and those who came in with him withdrew.

The Senators also withdrew.

On motion of Mr Dumont of Hallowell, Ordered That a message be sent to the