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Governor, informing him that the House is duly organized and proceeding with the public business and ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make to them. Mr Dumont was charged with the message and having executed it, informed the House that the Governor answered that he would forthwith make a written communication to the House by the Secretary of State.

Accordingly, the Secretary of State came in and laid upon the Speaker's table a written Message which was read from the Chair as follows [see appendix page 341] and ordered to lie upon the table and one thousand copies of the Message with the accompanying documents was ordered to be printed for the use of the members.

Mr Hyde of Bath moved an Order for the appointment of a Committee to contract with some suitable person or persons, to perform the duties of a watch to the Public Buildings during the Session which was read & on motion of Mr Lowell of East Machias ordered to lie upon the table.

On motion of Mr Chase of Sebec Ordered, That when the House adjourns, it adjourn to meet at 10 o clock tomorrow.

On motion by Mr Woodman of Buxton Ordered, That the last vote be reconsidered, and that when the House adjourns, it adjourn to meet at three o'clock this afternoon.

Petition of Patrick Meagher for leave to change his name was read and referred to the Committee on change of names.