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Seth Labaree, Edward Williams, Thomas Crocker, Benjamin Carr & Daniel Emery were declared duly elected. The Convention then proceeded by ballot to the election of a Secretary of State - The whole number of votes given in was one hundred & ninety three - necessary to constitute an election ninety seven - Roscoe G Greene had one hundred & twenty six - Nathan D. Appleton had sixty five votes - Jack Downing had one - Blank had one vote and Roscoe G. Greene was declared duly elected and then the convention separated.

Mr Robinson of Hallowell moved the following order - Ordered That the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing an act approved March 12th, 1831 entitled an additional act "defining the powers of the Judicial Courts in granting reviews and for other purposes" - also of so far modifying or explaining an act approved January 21st 1834 entitled " An act additional to "An act regulating Judicial Process & Proceedings" that the same shall not be held to operate retrospectively on actions which had been previously commenced & were then pending in any Court of this State - which was read and on motion by Mr Holmes ordered to lie on the table.

The Committee to report rules & orders &c, &c made a report which was read and amended and on motion by Mr Cilley of Thomaston recommitted.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Secretary of State to notify Jabez Bradbury, Edmund Mann, Seth Labaree, Edward Williams, Thomas Crocker, Benjamin Carr & Daniel Emery that they have been elected Counsellors for the current Political year, and request their immediate attendance - and the