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Tuesday January 13 1835

Met according to adjournment

Mr Cobb of New Gloucester moved the following order Ordered That - with such as the Senate may join, be a committee to employ some suitable person to draft Bills and Resolves during the present session of the Legislature, which was read & on motion of Mr Cilley, ordered to lie on the table.

On motion of Mr Scammon of Pittston Ordered, That this House hold one session a day commencing at nine o'clock in the morning until otherwise ordered.

The following joint standing committees on the part of the Senate came down to be joined, and were severally joined by the House as follows, viz

On the Judiciary. Messrs Emmons, Chandler, Bartlett of the Senate

Messrs McCrate of Nobleboro' Holmes " Alfred Boutelle " Waterville Jarvis " Ellsworth Chase " Sebec Scammon " Pittston Webb " Windham of the House

On Literary Institutions. Messrs Farnham, Purinton, Burnham of the Senate

Messrs Cilley of Thomaston Washburn " Livermore Benson " Winthrop Lowell " East Machias Dumont " Hallowell Brooks " Portland Vose " Knox of the House