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An order came form the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the subject of education to the joint standing Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions - and the House concurred

An order came from the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the subject of an Insane Hospital, and the New England Asylum for the Blind and the making provision for them, to Messrs Burnham, Prescott & Bartlett with such as the House may join - and the House concurred & Messrs Buzzell of Cape Elizabeth, Shaw of Wiscasset, Gould of Franklin, Erskine of Bristol, and Stewart of Scarboro' were joined.

An order came from the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Penitentiary System and the States Prison with the accompanying documents relating thereto, to the joint standing Committee on the State Prison, and the House concurred.

An order came from the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to Pauperism to Messrs McIntire, O'Brien and Tobin with such as the House may join - and the House concurred & Messrs Jarvis of Ellsworth, Phelps of Fairfield, Webb of Windham, Dumont of Hallowell and Jordan of Raymond.

An order came from the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Baring and Houlton road, the Canada road westward of the Bald Mountain, to the Marrs Hill road, and the accompanying documents relating thereto, be referred to the joint standing Committee on State roads.

An order came from the Senate referring so much of