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the message as relates to the care and management of the public lands to the joint standing committee on public lands - and the House concurred,

An order came from the Senate referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the freedom and purity of the elective franchise to Messrs Chandler, Emmons, and Purinton with such as the House may join - and the House concurred and Messrs McCrate of Nobleboro, Hawes of North Yarmouth, Jewett of Portland, Cobb of New Gloucester and Brown of Westport were joined.

A message came from the Senate proposing convention of the two Houses in the Representatives Chamber at 12 o clock this day for the purpose of administering the oaths of qualification to such Counsellors elect as may have then signified their acceptance and shall be present - and the House agreed thereto, and the Clerk acquainted the Senate therewith.

Letters were received from Edmund Mann and Daniel Emery, Counsellors elect, signifying their acceptance.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in convention, when Edmund Mann, Edward Williams, Seth Labaree, Daniel Emery and Benjamin Carr Counsellors elect came in, and in presence of the two Houses, and before the President of the Senate took & subscribed the oaths prescribed by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties.

Mr. Cobb of New Gloucester, called for the consideration of the order moved by him on the 13th instant,