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-ther provision by law for the protection of Salmon, Shad & Alewives on Penobscot River & its tributary streams - and also into the expediency of presenting to this Legislature in a new draft, all the necessary provisions for preserving said fisheries - and repealing all laws now existing in relation thereto. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Charles Dolbier & others, came from the Senate referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals & the House concurred.

The Treasurers annual report, came from the Senate referred to the Messrs Barnard, Bartlett & Clark with such as the House may join, and the House concurred & Messrs Steward of Anson, Perkins of Kennebunk, Call of Bangor, Burleigh of Dexter, Curtis of Freedom, Underwood of Fayette & Dillingham of Turner

Bill - authorizing the United States of America to take and hold lands within this State for the purpose of erecting Light Houses thereon, was read once and tomorrow at 10 o clock assigned for a second reading.

Resolve providing for the purchase & distribution of Fairfields' Reports was read once and tomorrow at 11 o clock assigned for a 2nd reading.

Remonstrance of Abraham Butterfield against Samuel Small of Machiasport right to hold a seat in this House from the district of Machias, Machiasport and Cutler, was read & referred to the committee on Elections.

Bill to incorporate the Maine Turner Bridge taken from the files of last session, came from the Senate referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals for concurrence and the House concurred.