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votes, Williams Emmons had one vote, John Anderson had one vote, Edward Kavanagh had one vote, and there was one blank vote - and John Ruggles was declared elected on the part of the House and the Clerk acquainted the Senate therewith and requested their concurrence. The House then proceeded by ballot to the election on its part of a United States Senator in the Congress of the United States for the term of six years from & after the third day of March next - and Messrs Humphrey of Gray, Boyd of Harmony, Benson of Winthrop, Powers of Sandford, and Lermond of Union were appointed a Committee to receive sort and count the ballots, who having attended to the duties assigned them reported the whole number of votes given in, to be One hundred and seventy eight - necessary to constitute an election ninety - That John Ruggles had One hundred and eight votes - George Evans had sixty four votes - William Emerson had two votes - William D. Williamson had one vote - Reuel Williams had one vote - Daniel Goodenow had one vote and there was one blank - and John Ruggles was declared elected - and the Clerk acquainted the Senate therewith and requested their concurrence.

A communication was received from Roscoe G Green signifying his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State.

Mr. Morrill of Westbrook laid upon the Speakers Table a written communication resigning his seat as a member of this House which was read from the Chair - and thereupon on motion by Mr Webb of Windham it was Ordered, That the Clerk of this House be directed to notify the town of Westbrook of the vacancy of the seat of Levi Morrell, representative from that town in the House.