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of Representatives, occasioned by his resignation.

Mr Cilley of Thomaston moved the following order, Ordered - That - be a committee with such as the Senate may join to draw Bills & Resolves during the present session, which on motion of Mr Cobb of New Gloucester, was ordered to lie on the table.

Report of the joint standing Committee on the petition of Abijah Smith & others ordering Notice, was read and accepted. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of George Hinman to abolish secret attachments, - of Inh, of Norridgewock for an alteration of the Constitution so as to limit the number of Representatives to one hundred & providing for the Legislature to commence its session on the first Wednesday of September annually - of Charles Hannaford & others for an alteration of the laws respecting Lunatics - - of Henry W Fuller that the administrators of John Pitts may be authorized to execute a deed. and Remonstrances of Inh. of Bluehill against removal of the Shiretown from Castine to Ellsworth - - of Selectmen & others of Sullivan on the same subject were severally read & referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of George Deleschernier & others for a renewal of the charter of the Washington County Bank was read & referred to the Committee on Banks & Banking.

Petition of John D Grindle for a change of his name was read & referred to the Committee on change of names.

Petition of Amos Purrington & others, praying for an