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were severally read & referred to the committee on Banks and Banking. Sent up for concurrence.

An order came from the Senate as follows, State of Maine. In Senate. January 17th 1835. Ordered, That whereas the Senate have been informed by message from the House of Representatives that they yesterday at 11 o'clock proceeded by ballot to the election on their part, of a Senator from this State in the Congress of the United States to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Peleg Sprague and also at the same time & manner to the choice of a Senator as aforesaid to serve six years from the third of March next of which proceedings the Senate do approve - and it is further ordered, that the Senate, on their part, Tuesday next, at eleven o'clock, proceed in the Senate chamber to the choice by ballot of a Senator as aforesaid, to supply the said vacancy and also a Senator as aforesaid to serve for the term of six years from the third of March next; in which time, place & manner of choice of said Senator for the terms aforesaid on the part of the Senate they request the concurrence of the House - more than One Third of the members present demanded the question to be taken by yeas and nays - but before the question was taken, the House



James L. Child
