V virtue, as they approach maturity of years, greatly depends on the mental and moral habits formed in early life, under the influence of females, to whose care our children are ordinarily committed during that important period, when first impressions are imparted to the mind. As a matter of economy, merely, female education is deservedly entitled to the most liberal provisions. But we should be behind the spirit and the lights of the age, if it were not so regarded by us for its own sake alone. In both views, I commend it to your favorable consideration. And in this connection I will remark, that the opinions expressed in my first communication to the Legislature of the last year, relative to the necessity of making further provision for the qualification of instructors of our common schools, have been confirmed by subsequent reflection and observation, and they are now adverted to for the purpose of again presenting the subject to the attention of the Legislature. A Resolve was passed by the last Legislature, granting the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars for the benevolent purpose of establishing an Insane Hospital in this State, on condition that a like sum should be raised by individual donations. In furtherance of this subject, the Secretary of State caused the Resolve to be published for general information; but this appeal to the sympathy and public spirit of our citizens, has not been attended with the success which was anticipated. As it is not perfectly clear from the phraseology of this Resolve, whether it was the intention of the Legislature to continue it in force, beyond one year from its passage, further legislative action upon the subject may be necessary. In this connection, permit me to introduce to your notice, an Institution recently established