XIII To the Senate and House of Representatives. It affords me much satisfaction in being enabled to lay before you a copy of a letter this day received from Asa Redington Jr. Esquire, Treasurer of State with the communications accompanying the same, by which it will be seen, that the condition, contained in the "Resolve for establishing an Insane Hospital," passed March 8th, 1834, requiring the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars to be raised by individual donations, has been complied with. Robert P. Dunlap. Council Chamber, March 5,1835.
To the Senate and House of Representatives. I herewith lay before you the report of Sewall Prescott, Esquire, Agent appointed under the "Resolve" of March 3,1832 "for completing and repairing the Canada Road," together with his account. The sum due on this account has been allowed by the Council, but cannot be paid from the Treasury, until an appropriation shall have been made by the Legislature for that purpose. Robert P. Dunlap. Council Chamber, March 20,1835.