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14 B Bills. continued. Bill to repeal part of an Act to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Bath 268,274,298. " additional establishing the Kennebec Boom Corporation, 268,275,276,325. " to incorporate the proprietors of the Carritunk Bridge 268,274,285. " for the preservation of the Salmon, Shad and Alewive fisheries in the Penobscot Bay and River and their tributary streams 268,276,299,350. " to change the name of the first Methodist Society in Falmouth and North Yarmouth, 273,277,285. " additional regulating divorces, 273,277,285,318. " authorizing the Selectmen, Clerk and Treasurer of the town of Lovell to transfer certain funds in their trust to the Trustees of the School fund in said town, 273,277,285. " authorizing the first parish Bath to sell their Meetinghouse 273,277,298. " additional respecting highways 273,277,298. " to incorporate the Jefferson High School 274,281,298. " to regulate Banks by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills or notes of a small denomination, 276,279,325. " to incorporate the Bank of Cumberland, 277,281,306. " additional to an Act to regulate the jurisdiction and proceedings of the Courts of Probate 278,288,291,345. " to establish the Old town and Milford Ferry Company, 282,284,298. " to reduce the toll of Back Cove Bridge 283,284,306. " providing for the appointment of Judge & Register of Probate for the northern District of the County of Washington, 284,285.