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Hancock Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Bill to incorporate 238,260 Harris, Mark, State Treasurer annual report pf 41 Harris, Mark, late, Treasurer, Resolve in favor of 316,223,338 Hartland, Resolve for the relief of the town of 91,98,123 Hathorn, Warren, Resolve in favor of 268,274,285 Hay compressed for shipping report on an order relative to referred 37 High School Brunswick, Bill to incorporate 316,322,345 Highway, bill additional directing the method of laying out making provisions for the repair and amendment of 114,118,172,1788,191,196,201,228,238 Highways, Bill additional relative to laying out and making 155,163,262,266,298 Highways, Bill additional respecting 273,277,298 Horticulture Societies, Cumberland 120 Hospital, Insane, donation for 58,258 Hospital Insane report on Governors message relative to 288 Hospital Insane, Resolve additional for establishing 327,327,332 Howland Academy, Bill establishing 178,189,195,214,225

I Incorporation of the town of Bradley 83,88,122 Incorporation of the town of Bridgeport 147,150,154 Incorporation of the town of Edinburg 77,81 Incorporation of the town of Edington 81 Incorporation of the town of Elliotsville 163,169,192 Incorporation of the town of Enfield 77 Incorporation of the town of Otis 231,239,306 Incorporation of the town of Passadumkeag 77,81 Incorporation of the town of Roxbury 257,266,296 Incorporation of the town of Weston 257,266,296 Indian Agent, Bill to repeal certain Acts authorizing to sell timber standing om lands belonging to the Penobscot Tribe of Indians 305,322,337