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214. to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence

The Senate recede from their vote whereby they passed to be engrossed Resolve authorizing the apportionment and distribution of the School Fund, amend the same and pass the said Resolve to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Fish, from the Conferees on the part of the Senate, to which was referred the "Bill establishing Howland Academy," made a report recommending the Senate to recede from their vote referring said Bill to next Legislature and concur with the House in passing the same to be engrossed - read and accepted. And the Senate, accordingly, recede and concur.

Order of the 4th instant, from the House of Representatives, appointing a Select Committee "to inquire into the expediency of revising the present Code of Laws of Maine," was taken up and indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.

The Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals reported notice to next Legislature on petition of Edward Smith and others - read and accepted in concurrence.

The same Committee, to which was referred the petition of Ebenezer French and others, Stage Proprietors, made a report asking to be discharged from the further consideration thereof, and recommending the reference of the same to the Committee on the Judiciary, - read and accepted, in concurrence.