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245. Bill creating a Corporation for the purpose of constructing a Turnpike Road in the town of Calais was read the second time and indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.

Report, giving leave to withdraw on petition of Selectmen of Bath, was taken up and committed to Messrs. Randall, Chandler and Burnham.

Mr. Bartlett, from the Joint Select Committee, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Selectmen of Hebron, and legislation inexpedient on an order relative to amending the Constitution so as to give the right of suffrage to persons removing from one town to an other - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Merrymeeting Bridge was read once and recommitted, in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Lumbering Company came and the same was committed to Messrs. Fish, Emmons and Greene of York.

Bill concerning mortgages and pledges of personal property and property subject to any lien created by law, was taken up, amended, and on motion of Mr. Chandler, ordered to lie on the table.

Resolve for establishing a Board of Internal Improvement was taken up and on motion of Mr. Clark, the further consideration postponed till tomorrow.