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251. Thursday, March 5,1835. Resolve in favor of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture (reported in the House by the Committee on State Lands, on petition of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture) was read once and indefinitely postponed, in concurrence.

Mr. Barnard gave notice that tomorrow at ten o'clock he should move a reconstruction of the vote whereby the above named Resolve was indefinitely postponed.

The Senate, on motion of Mr. Prescott, reconsider the vote whereby they accepted the report of the Committee on Claims, giving leave to withdraw on petition (or account) of the town of Scarborough and recommit the same. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Prescott, from the Committee on Claims, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Chase, Miller and J.C. Glidden - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

On motion of Mr. McLellan, Ordered that the Senate hold two sessions from and after this day, the forenoon session to commence at nine o'clock in the morning, and the afternoon session at half past two o'clock, in the afternoon, and so continue until otherwise ordered - read and passed.

Resolve in favor of Daniel Coney and others was read the second time and the further consideration thereof postponed till tomorrow at ten o'clock.