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68. Monday January 18th 1836

Met according to adjournment

The House reconsidered their former votes on the Bill entitled an Act creating the Village of Brunswick into a Corporation for certain purposes" so far as to amend the same in the second section at B as on slip annexed and ordered the same to be engrossed as thus amended.

On motion of Mr Cram of Bridgton Ordered That the Committee on Finance be requested to deduct from the valuation of the towns of Bridgton, Harrison, Otisfield Raymond, & Sebago the several sums named to be deducted from the valuation of said towns, in act passed at the last session of the Legislature, entitled an Act additional to an Act to incorporate the town of Naples. Sent up for concurrence.

An order came from the Senate instructing the joint standing Committee on Banks & Banking to inquire into the expediency of increasing the tax on Banks for concurrence and the House concurred.

The Committee to which was referred the Treasurers Report, reported that the sums charged in the Treasurers Report have been duly paid & authenticated, and that the true balance of Cash in the Treasurers hands on the first day of the current year was $6,341.87 and that the affairs of that department are in all respects satisfactory and the report was accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

On motion by Mr Holmes of Alfred Ordered, That the Clerk of the House be directed to purchase two Bibles & two Dictionaries