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200 Resolve in favor of the town of Appleton, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Waldo Plantation, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill An additional act to protect towns from Fire came from the Senate that body insisting upon their vote passing the same to be engrossed, proposing a conference and appointing as Conferees Messrs Jarvis, Severance and Miller. The House still insist upon their vote indefinitely postponing the Bill agree to the conference and appoint as conferees on their part Messrs lake of Bucksport, Woodman of Wilton and David of Mt Vernon.

On motion of Mr Maine of Dearborne,

 Ordered, that the Committee on Manufactures be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing a law regulating the size and quality of Brick manufactured in this State. Sent up for concurrence

On motion by Mr Paris of Buckfield,

 Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of altering or abolishing the Salary or compensation of Reporter to the decisions of the Supreme Judicial Courts of this State. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Widow Lucy Mason for a Pension, was read and referred to the Committee on State Lands Sent up for concurrence

Petition of H K Johnson and others for a repeal of