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240. Monday February 29 1836

Met according to adjournment

On motion by Mr Walton of Portland, Ordered That the Committee on Public Building be instructed to consider the expediency of procuring a Fire Engine together with a sufficient length of Hose and such other apparatus as may be deemed necessary to prevent the destruction of the Public Buildings by fire. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion by Mr Watts of St George, Ordered, That the Committee on the Maine State Prison be instructed to inquire into the expediency of prohibiting the Warden of said Prison of engaging in trade or commerce while warden of said Prison of engaging in trade or commerce while warden of said Prison. Sent up for concurrence.

Report on an order of 5th inst. in relation to remunerating innocent persons accused of crimes &c, that Legislation is inexpedient, accepted in Senate came down for concurrence - and House referred the same to Messrs Wilson of Bingham, Scamman of Pittston & Tobin of Hartford.

On motion by Mr Parris of Buckfield Ordered, That the committee on Literature &c be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing a Resolve entitled a Resolve providing for the appointment of School Commissioners passed March 24th 1835. Sent up for concurrence.

Resolve authorizing County Commissioners for County of Penobscot to locate a road across Orson Island, was read once & tomorrow