Resolve in favor of Joshua Elder, was reported by the Committee on Bills in the third reading & then finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Report on petition of William Vance & others for a Bank and High School at Readfield, was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the next Legislature.
Bill - An Act to incorporate the Greenleaf State & Coal Company, was read 1st & 3d time & passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence.
Mr Whitney of Calais was appointed on the joint standing Committee on Rail Roads & Canals, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the absence of Mr Little of Portland.
Bill - An Act additional to an act to incorporate the Bangor & Oldtown Railway Company, was referred in concurrence to the delegation in the two Houses from the County of Penobscot.
Petition of Lucy Philbrook for the proportion of lands to which her husband would be entitled for service as a soldier of the Revolution was read & referred to the Committee on State Lands. Sent up for concurrence.
Bills - An Act to incorporate the Kennebec Granite Comp - - An Act to incorporate the North Yarmouth Paper Manufacturing Company - An Act to incorporate the Eastport Manufacturing Company - - An Act concerning limited partnerships - - An Act to incorporate the town of Mayfield - -An Act to incorporate the general Mutual Fire Insurance Company