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269. ordered to be printed for the use of the members

Report of Committee of Conference on the Bill entitled An additional act for the protection of towns from fire that the same be indefinitely postponed was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Petition of A. S. Patten & others for the incorporation of a new County by the name of Piscataquis - was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on Division & Alteration of Counties.

Governors Message, [see appendix page 18.] transmitting the Resolutions of Virginia on the subject of Slavery, was referred in concurrence to the Committee on the South Carolina Resolutions -

Report on an order of 19th January relative to an alteration of the Militia Law, that legislation is inexpedient, was read and accepted in concurrence

Report on an Order relative to Musicians, Field & Staff officers receiving rations on days of Review, that the same be indefinitely postponed, was accepted in concurrence.

Message was received from the Senate proposing an amendment to the Bill entitled "an Act to incorporate the Madaceunk Mill Company and ordering the same to be re engrossed as amended - and the House concurred.

Resolve in favor of Waterville College was read a second time & ordered to be laid on the table.

Bill - An Act to make valid certain doings of