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412 The same committee reported as truly engrossed - Resolve concerning the State Prison - - an additional Resolve for the payment of accounts against the State which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence -

Message was received from the Senate proposing that when the two Houses adjourn, they adjourn without day - The House refused to agree thereto and the Clerk acquainted the Senate accordingly.

On motion of Mr Lord of Buxton Ordered, That when this House adjourn this afternoon, it adjourn without day, and that the concurrence of the Senate be requested - The order was ordered to be laid on the table and the question was taken by yeas & nays and decided in the affirmative as follows yeas 85 nays 40. [See appendix page 262].

Messrs Brown of Dover, Cram of Baldwin, Hamlen of Hampden, Cole of Monson, Rollins of Nobleboro, Cames of Bethel, Coburn of Newry Bradbury of Athens & Merry of Edgecomb have leave of absence from and after today

On motion of Mr Chadwick of Gardiner Ordered, That the Governor be requested to send to this House a list of the several Acts and Resolves which have received his signature at the present session.

Resolve relating to Bank Commissioners, came from the Senate that body indefinitely postponing the same - The House insist upon their vote passing the Resolve to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence