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Rail Road Corporation, Mattanawcook, Bill to incorporate 368, 400, 406, 441. -"- -"- Corporation, Penobscot river, Bill to establish 217, 223, 235, 329, 351, 371. -"- -"- Corporation Maine, New Hampshire & Massachusetts, Bill to establish 382, 448, 452, 459. -"- -"- from the Seaboard of Maine to the Canadian Frontiers, Resolve on Col. Stephen H. Long's report on the route for 370, 377. Rail Roads and Canals, Joint Standing Committee on 18. -"- -"- Bill in relation to petitions for acts of incorporation for 149, 227, 238, 253. Railway Association, Frankfort Maine, Bill to incorporate, 392, 398, 441. Raymond, A.S. Clerk of the Judicial Courts for Washing County, communication from 130. Real Estate, Bill regulating attachment on, 28. Recess of Legislature, order relative to, 349, report, 366. Redington, Asa Jr. Treasurer, annual report of 27, referred 27. -"- -"- elected Treasurer, 83, notified 84, acceptance 107, bond referred 107, accepted 157 qualified 339. Registry of Deeds for the Eastern District of Lincoln County, Bill to establish 369, 376, 410. ________ Bill additional to establish 445, 459. Reports and Decisions of the S.J. Court, Resolve making permanent provision for the purchase of and establishing the title of said Reports 407, 416, 460. Resignation of Joseph Kelsey, Senator from Penobscot 484. Resolutions of Alabama in relation to domestic Slavery &c 220, 295. -"- Georgia -"- -"- -"- 117, 295. -"- Kentucky -"- -"- -"- 418. -"- Mississippi -"- -"- -"- 475. -"- N. Carolina -"- -"- -"- 113, 295. -"- S. Carolina -"- -"- -"- 62, 205. -"- Virginia -"- -"- -"- 315. Resolves, titles of, laid upon the table by Secretary of State, 487 (see appendix.