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156 Mr Fish from the Committee on State Lands to which was referred an order relative to the number of Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, entitled to receive grants of land, made a report which was read and the same on motion of Mr Severance was ordered to lie on the table and 500 copies be printed for the use of the Legislature.

The same Gentleman, from the same Committee, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Joshua Oaks, and legislation inexpedient on an Order of the 21st of January last, relative to allowing Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, One Hundred Dollars Dollars in lieu of land - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr Greene from the Committee on the Judiciary reported leave to withdraw on petition of Peter Adams and also on petition of William Wentworth and legislation inexpedient on an order relative to the term of time when Acts of incorporation shall expire and also on an order relative to a Navy yard in this State - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.

 The Committee on Interior Waters reported notice to next Legislature on petition of David W Campbell and others - read and accepted in concurrence

Mr Miller from the same Committee, reported order of notice on petition of Abiel Getchell and others read and accepted.

 Sent down for concurrence