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Fire Insurance Company, (reported by Mr. Jarvis from the Committee on Banks and Banking on petition of Adrew Masters and others); Bill to incorporate the town of Mayfield (reported by Mr. Jewett, from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, on petition of John Ellis & others;) -"- to incorporate the North Yarmouth Paper Manufacturing Company (reported by Mr. Frye, from the Committee on Manufactures on petition of William R. Stockbridge and others;) -"- to incorporate the Greenleaf Slate and Coal Company; (reported by the same Committee on petition of Enos Wilder and others;) -"- to incorporate the Eastport Manufacturing Company (reported by the same Committee on petition of Edward Baker and others); Resolve in favor of Enoch Cordwell (reported by Mr. Staples from the Committee on Claims on petition of Enoch Cordwell), severally read once and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Bill to incorporate the St. Croix Navigation Company came up from the House in a new draft - read once