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to inquire into the expediency of making an appropriation to assist in making a Road from the forks of Kennebec River to Moosehead Lake - read and passed in concurrence,

Order from the House of Representatives came up as follows. "Ordered by the two Houses of the Legislature, the Governor concurring, that the following Rule be established for the government of the intercourse between the two Houses and the Executive in relation to Bills and Resolve which have received the final action of the Legislature, viz, The Bills, which shall have been passed to be enacted and the Resolves, which Legislature, shall be transmitted to the Governor by the Secretary of the Senate by Message, and the Governor, after having added his signature thereto shall be verbal message by the Secretary of State inform each House, as soon as may be of the fact, and of the time he shall have added his signature thereto" - read and the same on motion of Mr. Jewett was ordered to lie on the table.

Petition of David Longfellow and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the Machias Hotel Company - read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.