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Mr. Merrow has leave of absence four days from and after to-morrow;

Mr. Johnson has leave of absence five days from and after Monday next

Mr. Jarvis gave notice that to-morrow at eleven o'clack he should call up the Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Bangor and Oldtown Railway Company

On motion of Mr. Benson, The Senate reconsider their vote of yesterday whereby they accepted the report of the Committee on Banks and Banking giving leave to withdraw on petition of William Vance and others, and refer said petition to the next Legislature, Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Frye from the Committee on Manufactures, to which was referred an order relative to a law regulating the size and quality of bricks manufactured in the State, made a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration thereof and recommending the reference of the same to the Committee on the Judiciary. read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred,

The same Gentleman from the same Committee to which was referred the petition of Samuel Hudson and others, made a report, asking to be discharged from the