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criminal prosecutions in other States _____

   Instructing the Committee on Roads and 

Bridges to inquire into the expediency to redu- cing the tolls on Vaughan's Bridge in the County of Cumberland with power to send for persons and papers.

  Memorial of Reuel Williams and others in

relation to a route for a Rail Road from Ban- gor to the Kennebec River - read and referred to the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals.

 Sent down for concurrence.    Concurred.

Petition of the "Erozophian Adelphi" of Water

  ville College praying for an Act of incorpora-

-"- of Abiel W. Kennedy and others praying

  for the establishment of a school for the

Penobscot Indians -- severally read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary In stitutions in concurrence.

Petition of Samuel Smith and another pray-

  ing to be incorporated into a Company by
  the name of "Smith's Proprietary"

-"- of George M. Towle and others praying to be incorporated by the name of the "Eden Granite Company", severally read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures in concurrence.

  Mr. Weeks, from the Committee on Interior 

Fisheries, reported leave to withdraw on petition of John Carver and other - read and accep- ted. Sent down for concurrence.
