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359 poration of Towns, on petition of Columbus Dunn and others to incorporate the town Linneus reported by the same gentleman from the same Committee, on petition of Moses Burley and others additional to an "act directing the method of laying out and making provision for the repair and amendment of highways" reported in the House) prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills of a Small denomination and certain others (in a new draft) to incorporate the Augusta Savings Institution (reported by Mr Jarvis from the Committee on Banks and Banking, on petition of Charles Williams and others) Resolve respecting the reduction of tolls on Vaughans Bridge reported by Mr Talbot from the Committee on Roads and Bridges, on an order relative to said Bridge severally read once and Monday next at eleven oclock assigned for a second reading

Bill to incorporate the Hallowell Steam Mill and Boom Company reported by Mr Miller from the Committee on Interior Waters, on petition of Ira Crocker and others) was read once and Tuesday next at ten oclock assigned for a second reading.

The second reading of the Resolve in favor of the Belfast and Quebec Rail Road, on motion of Mr Miller, was postponed till Tuesday next at ten oclock in the forenoon.

Bill to increase the Capital Stock of York Bank was taken up. Mr Jarvis moved to refer said Bill to the Joint Delegation from York County. And the