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Friday March 25, 1836

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Resolve in favor of Elias Cobb and the same was finally passed.

The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed Bill to repeal an Act respecting lumber in the Mattawamkeag River, in addition to an Act regulating Judicial process to incorporate the Narraguagus Log Driving Company to change the name of Milburn authorizing the City of Bangor to build a Market House over the Kenduskeag Stream, additional providing for the payment of costs in Criminal Proceedings, and the same were severally passed to be enacted

Mr. Miller, from the Committee on Interior Waters, to which was recommitted "Bill to incorporate the Molechunkamunk Sluice Company," reported that the same be referred to the next Legislature - read and accepted.

  Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Centre Harbor and Portland Stage Company in addition to an Act to incorporate the Somerset Mutual Fire Insurance Company," approved February 25, 1829 (amended) severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed

 Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.